Although it is possible to run Pactor 1 on Linux, the comments have been 
that it is not a very good implementation. I don't know if this is true 
as I have never tried it, and the computers are much more powerful now.

In order to run Pactor 2 or 3, there is only one choice and that is the 
SCS modem which is hardware and software combined. You can probably use 
most any computer. SCS in some cases has a Linux service integrated into 
their modem. The PIB software (Pactor to Internet Bridge) specially 
seems to be designed to work with Linux OS as it installs from a CD ROM 
onto a Linux computer. I am not sure if this can work with MS OS.

There isn't any question that Linux OS is making headway in the amateur 
community. Just look at the surprisingly large number of hams who post 
on this group and who also use Linux. It seems like it is several times 
more than you would expect if only 4% or less use Linux. But they tend 
to be the more technically inclined hams and those who are interested in 
new things such as digital modes. Thus the likely cross-over.

In fact, the tables have been turned a bit due to now having some 
software, especially PSKmail, only available on Linux OS.


Rick, KV9U

kd4e wrote:

>Yes, you need one of the proprietary MS versions of
>windows.  Windows is *not* the only OS out there --
>millions of people use Apple or Linux.
>When, not if, the proprietary MS windows OS goes down
>and you find yourself in a non-MS windows environment
>the proprietary Pactor II & III systems will be useless.
>(Unless I have been misinformed and Pactor II & III
>also run under Apple and Linux.)
>Not to mention when the proprietary Pactor II or III
>software fails or the matching proprietary hardware
>fails.  Two rare and one sometimes unavailable and
>often compromised (MS windows) variables in order
>to make any use whatsoever of Pactor II or III.  Talk
>about planning to fail!
>Reliable systems for distributed and unpredictable
>environments are not designed with rare hardware and
>software but with the capacity to get the job done
>with whatever is on hand -- The MacGuyver Principle.

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