>> 7. While Microsoft made a passing attempt at retrofitting security
 >> into its early operating systems, they didn't get any money for 
this. >> So, we should be extremely grateful that they actually fixed 
security >> problems for 8 years for Windows 98. Other companies would not
 >> support any software for that length of time.
> Thanks Jim for what is, to me, the most intelligent post related to
> operating systems that I've seen on this list.

Except that it is not entirely accurate.

Unix was *always* secure and Linux flowed out of Unix
as did BSD.  Unix is very old.

MS *chose* to not implement security due to profit
considerations and the impossbility of security because
of the wide-open-everything-executes-in-root structure.
It was a marketing and technological nightmare -- I
remember it well as a systems manager and consultant.

"extremely grateful"?  You have to be kidding!

Bill Gates marketed and promoted secure and stable
and while he raked in billions he shipped insecure
and unstable.

How soon we forget.

It would be enlightening to read a list of what is
worth doing, for 99% of average users, that is not
available free under Linux.

OS = Free
Office apps = Free
Internet apps = Free
Music processing = Free
Video processing = Free
Games = Free

And to get this back on topic ...

Ham digital apps = Free
Ham antenna calculators = Free
Ham logging = Free
Ham DX spotting = Free
Ham HT programming apps = Free

Now I donate to many Linux developers because I
want to support them.  It is not about Free to me,
it is about choice and integrity and freedom from
abusive OS contracts and limitations.

Back to digital radio.


Thanks! & 73, doc, KD4E
Projects: http://ham-macguyver.bibleseven.com
Personal: http://bibleseven.com

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