> MS has *always* lagged behind Unix, Linux, BSD, and Apple
> in this area.  Always.  MS propaganda aside.

> NT/2000 was a desperate attempt by MS to stem the bleeding
> because everyone else's OS's were less vulnerable and it
> was at-best embarassing, at worse was harming them at
> server level sales.

With all due respect, the above is simply mis-informed.  I'm afraid you
simply don't know what you don't know and apparently aren't willing to
listen to somebody who actually DOES know -- who's been there and done

I *know* it's tempting to blame Microsoft, because they've done some
truly hideous things to gain and hold market share.

But the security debate isn't simple enough to be about propaganda --
It's about history, and the evolution of the PC.  And, again... I can
TELL you how it is, cuz I was there and I've *read* the code of the
operating systems we're discussing.

I'm out of this conversation,

de Peter K1PGV


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