re " I've often thought that we need a Yahoo! group for software 
developers, maybe Dave would like to kick this off? "

OK. I've just created

If you would like to join the list, please send an email to 
[EMAIL PROTECTED] containing your name, callsign, and a brief 
description of your amateur radio software development activity.


       Dave, AA6YQ

--- In, "Simon Brown" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> ----- Original Message ----- 
> From: "cesco12342000" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >
> > TCP is complicated !
> >
> > Its easy to build a client (maybe), its more complicated to build 
> > server, and it's hard to build a server which reliably can accept
> > and
> > handle multiple connections on one port !
> >
> I will make my Windows code available if we ever embark on this 
> It's similar to a telnet server, runs as a background thread, 
> unlimited connection and runs very efficiently. It's also simple - 
if you 
> ever see this code you'll understand it in a few minutes.
> TCP is the de-facto standard and IMO if more than good enough. I 
envisage a 
> few scenarios where UDP may be considered, but I don't want to 
> complicating things now.
> I've often thought that we need a Yahoo! group for software 
> maybe Dave would like to kick this off? I can offer web space for 
> we may want including a vBulletin BBS (I'll have to check my 
> conditions but it should be OK).
> Simon HB9DRV

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