
I agree with your assessment of EMP issues and have thought about this a 
bit over the years.  I keep one rig off line in a closet with the hope 
that it might survive an EMP event. It might not though, as it has no 
special shielding. I suppose I should at least short out the antenna 
connector. Sometimes I wish I could have a Faraday shielded ham shack. 
Maybe we should consider doing that if we ever build a new home. It 
would only cost a small amount of money to wrap a room with some 
hardware cloth under the paneling, ceiling and floor.

Digital modes generally require computers and most of them would be 
damaged except perhaps some lap tops that might have been disconnected. 
We don't really know with absolute certainly how large an area the EMP 
event could cover with a specific damage level. But it would definitely 
cause impacts to anything connected to wires for a long way from the 
detonation point.

I don't recall anyone ever saying that CW has no use. I have not seen 
anyone debate this at all here on this group. In fact, I know that there 
will be a few hams who will try it and who will have a natural or native 
ability to learn it and will find it a lot of fun. But probably not a 
lot of them.

Your last comment is what the folks who do anything new generally say to 
the OT's.


Rick, KV9U

Rodney Kraft wrote:

>Personally, should someone fire off a nuke, or a series of nukes, the EM Pules 
>would wipe out MOST electronics, at least those that are operational at the 
>time and most of what isn't shielded!
>Phone systems, especially Cell phones, would be history!  The Trunking 
>communications systems (they require rather large computer databases to keep 
>them running) would fail.  Basically, the majority of all communications, GPS, 
>Navigational... systems would be toast!
>CW has proven itself to be reliable in the most adverse conditions and always 
>will be.  To say that it has NO use is a stupid statement!
>Yes, it HAS become rather obsolete, with all the other forms of Data 
>communications, but wouldn't you at least like to know that SOME form of 
>RELIABLE communications is actually in use and people are LEARNING and honing 
>their skills?
>This debate is rather stupid because all the FCC has done is to STOP the 
>REQUIREMENT for CW in getting your license.  It has NOT stopped or forbidden 
>its use!  

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