have been on 14109.5 with Terry, VE5TLW on and off all day , trying to get ARQ 
FAE to work....... finally had success, and it was something simple,

I had VOX delay on, and when my data stream ended, the TX stayed on for that 
split second longer, partly covering up the response
from the other station. when I turned it off, the ARQ FAE went like the 
proverbial jackrabbit. 

Turned down the power so that the ARQ had to work..... but it went very well 
even when repeating frames several times.

Patrick, I am assuming that it will shut itself off after sending x number of 
frames without a response from the other station?

Very nicely done, Patrick, looking forward to finding some others who want to 
play with this....... took less than 30 seconds to TX your test message
using the long frames.


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