You are of course right, Jose. That was a typo and should have read 14.111.

Thanks for the correction.

Rick, KV9U

Jose A. Amador wrote:

>KV9U wrote:
>>When John, VE5MU, claims to be transmitting on 14109.5, he is
>>actually centering his transmitting frequency on 14.110. 
>No, 14111.....14109.5 kHz + 1.5 kHz
>I did have to tune around, but I finally found him.
>Of course, it is easier to state the RF center frequency.
>The rest is my problem, dealing with my radio and preferences.
>Jose, CO2JA
>V Conferencia Internacional de Energía Renovable, Ahorro de Energía y 
>Educación Energética.
>22 al 25 de mayo de 2007
>Palacio de las Convenciones, Ciudad de la Habana, Cuba

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