This was something we did in the early 1980's prior to packet radio. 
Even my  homebrew TU worked well on VHF RTTY compared with its dismal 
performance on HF. We had an active contingent of local hams who used 
RTTY on meters. In fact, they even built and maintained a regenerative 
RTTY repeater which made it possible for hams over a 50 or more mile 
radius to use VHF RTTY. Some had autostart so it was possible to send 
messages to print and hold on their system.

Then packet came in like a roller coaster. In a matter of a few months, 
the useage of the RTTY repeater went almost to zero. The RTTY owners 
decided that they would run the repeater for "a long time." Two weeks 
later they shut it off. Then it was quite a sea change as most active 
hams had a packet station always on for e-mail. Today, all we have left 
is the internet since almost all interconnecting links, BBS's, are gone. 
Another sea change, although the complete opposite of the one in the 
1980's when for a short time VHF digital was one of the most active 
modes for radio amateurs.

I had hoped to get some interest going with VHF digital, but have pretty 
much given up as there just are not any hams in my area willing to do 
this. Out of 150 hams in our area, you would be hard pressed to find 
more than two or three who really have much interest in digital other 
than perhaps contesting with RTTY.

With more hams likely moving toward HF, it may be possible to find some 
locals trying that out, but in rural areas like I live, it is just not 
that common.


Rick, KV9U

va7s wrote:

>just curious anyone interested in trying vhf rtty
>Ian VA7SW

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