It depends on how they use RDFT.  What you are describing is LGPL but 
RDFT is GPL.  Mere aggregation is one thing (shipping with a linux 
distribution for example) but if they link C code against a GPL library 
(not an LGPL license) then the case is fairly clear as far as I have 
been told by my lawyers.
On Fri, 9 Mar 2007 2:37 pm, Dave Bernstein wrote:
> Its complicated, Rick. If RDFT is GPL'd, and changes were made to
> RDFT, then those changes would have to be released under GPL.
> However, if RDFT was not changed, but simply "used" in a larger
> application (e.g. SCAMP), then it depends on how it was used. At one
> time, static linking would supposedly send you down one path, while
> dynamic linking would send you down another. Short of talking to the
> FSF folks or getting to the point where a judge decides in court, the
> IP lawyers would say there are few certainies.
> As for timing, I believe that the requirement is independent of
> release; if you modify GPL'd code, you must release your
> modifications whether or not you ever release a product. Otherwise,
> one could elude GPL by simply keeping one's products in permanent
> beta.
> Personally, if there's any open source code in stuff I work on, then
> I make that stuff open source. At some point I'll be extending
> PSKCORE to deal with assymetric sound cards, for example; that work
> will all be open source.
>    73,
>        Dave, AA6YQ
> --- In, kv9u <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>  If a programmer is experimenting with a work that is derived in
> part
>>  from a program that has been GPL'd, I wonder if it has to be
> released?
>>  In other words, once you release an alpha or beta, do you have to
>>  provide source source to everyone else? Or does it have to be a
>>  finalized and released code?
>>  73,
>>  Rick, KV9U
>>  Leigh L Klotz, Jr. wrote:
>>  > Now that NCI is no longer necessary, maybe we can get Bruce
> Perens
>>  > interested in this topic and he can pursue the release of SCAMP
> source
>>  > code through their obligations of GPL.
>>  > Leigh/WA5ZNU
>>  > On Fri, 9 Mar 2007 1:48 am, Rein Couperus wrote:
>>  >
>>  >>>  The SCAMP busy detector has been around for several years.
>>  >>>
>>  >>>
>>  >> Is this available for Linux? Source code? GPL?
>>  >>
>>  >> Rein EA/PA0R/P
>>  >>
>>  >>
>>  >
>>  >
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