OK, Brad,

What are your specific objections to any given rule that you think are 


RFSM2400? You know the new mode that triggered this whole hand wringing
debate about whether USA hams could or could not use it? 


300bd? Ha!


Images/Text/Images of text/fax?  Ha!

It seems to me that we have found different countries have different 
rules and it can be very helpful to know what they are. As I recall, it 
took years for your country to even allow Winlink 2000 operation, while 
our country has had Aplink, Winlink, Netlink, and eventually Winlink 
2000 for several decades.

Yes, and we now have a complete new set of bandwidth regulations that will
guarantee that this situation will not occur again.

The only rule that I would like to see changed is to allow operation by 
bandwidth instead of mode. What I really want, is a subset of this, in 
order to be able to operate wide BW (voice width) transmissions using 
SSB, digital voice, and digital data of any kind, whether image or text 
in the wide bandwidth (voice/image) portions of the bands.

We have precisely that sort of regulation now. For HF it reads "Any emission
mode with a necessary bandwidth of less than 8khz". End of reg.

http://www.wia.org.au/licenses/radam_1of97.pdf  Schedule 2 is the relevant
section. Compare our few paragraphs with yours. Let me know how you go.

The problem is that I am in the minority. From what I can tell, most 
hams want modes kept as separate as possible and Danny has pointed out 
the problems you have with mixing modes which has somewhat tempered my 

Wouldn't you agree that the reason that you may be able to have fewer 
rules (assuming you really do since I have not read your rules), is due 
to your very low density of population, both in terms of square miles 
and number of hams?

Nope, I would not agree at all. We have fewer Regs because we have a
Bandplan that is a living document to cater for the changes in technology,
and our "fewer" hams comply with the spirit of it. 


But from Danny's post, the reason he thinks you need MORE regs is because
you can't trust your fellow American to comply and he wants to carry a big
stick. Sad situation indeed.

73 de Brad VK2QQ



Rick, KV9U

Brad wrote:
> It is not surprising Bonnie, but it is INCREDIBLY boring. You guys have 
> way too many rules, and the surprising thing is that so many hams seem 
> to think that the problems can be solved by introducing yet more!
> Brad VK2QQ


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