expeditionradio wrote:
> Since I put up a new broadband antenna, 
> my ALE station is on now 24/7 
> all stations are invited to link.
> Netcall: HFL
> Transceiver: IC-F7000
> Antenna: Broadband Dipole
> Power: 50W
> Location: Near San Francisco, CA, USA
> Scanning: 
> 3596.0
> 3996.0
> 7065.0
> 7102.0
> 7296.0
> 10136.5
> 10145.5
> 14100.5
> 14109.5
> 14342.5
> 14346.0
> 18106.0
> 18117.5
> 18157.5
> Sounding on these channels (ID every 90 minutes):
> 7102.0 
> 10145.5 
> 14109.5 
> Busy detector: ON (this sometimes postpones soundings)
> Bonnie KQ6XA


You didn't opt of the T2DF dummyload antenna did you?

With 175ft of space for an antenna, and two 150ft towers, I can tell you how to 
make one heck of a gain and wide bandwidth antenna with NVIS as well and some 
pretty fine low angle radiation for 80-10M.  Its tried and true.


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