In the remote control configuration I used, WinWarbler was running on 
my home station PC, so the audio link from PC to transceiver did not 
traverse Skype. Skype let me hear the received audio at my remote 
location, and transmit SSB.

I have not tried transporting PSK or RTTY audio between PC and 
transceiver over a network using Skype. A virtual soundcard that 
transports digital data over the network and uses the home station's 
soundcard for D/A and A/D would eliminate the raggedness you 
mentioned. I'd be surprised if someone hasn't already done this. A 
properly-packaged virtual serial port and virtual soundcard would 
enable remote control with any transceiver control and digital mode 

I'm traveling a lot less than I once did and so don't often use 
remote control.


        Dave, AA6YQ

--- In, "Andrew O'Brien" 
> Dave, I have used Winwarbler and Multipsk on the local  computer 
> evening, connected to my home station via Skype.  Both work well on 
> broadband wireless system my local PC was using.  I did a test 
> in RTTY , AFSK, and the audio sounded a little rough at the remote 
end.  I
> will have to record Skype throughput levels in the future.
> I have no clue how I would send FSK RTTY when accessing my rig over 
> Internet, but will give that idea some more thought since it might 
> cleaner transmitted tones, right?  The tones would generated from 
rig to
> airwaves, no Skype involved.  Winwarbler transceiver commands 
perhaps,   I
> just changed the rig to FSK mode via Ham Radio Deluxe and sent a 
> command , I get a single tone rather than FSK RTTY tones (via 
monitoring TX
> output with my ears) .   Too tired to think right now.  The fix 
> involve thinking about Microham's device router , ham radio deluxe, 
an d
> more.
> The ham radio deluxe is working well as the vehicle for remote 
control of
> the TS2000.
> On 4/7/07, Dave AA6YQ <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> >    Was I was on Maui two years ago, I used Skype and LogMeIn to 
control my
> > home station (near Boston) and made QSOs in CW, SSB, RTTY, and 
PSK. The
> > software was WinWarbler, Commander, and DXView (antenna 
rotation). The
> > transceiver being controlled was an Icom 756. I recall no latency 
> >
> > Were I to do this again, I'd instead run these applications 
locally on my
> > laptop, and use Skype and virtual serial ports to remotely 
control the
> > transceiver and antenna rotator.
> >
> >     73,
> >
> >          Dave, AA6YQ
> >
> > -----Original Message-----
> > *From:* 
> > *On Behalf Of *Andrew O'Brien
> > *Sent:* Saturday, April 07, 2007 1:30 PM
> > *To:*
> > *Subject:* [digitalradio] DM780 via remote access
> >
> >  Just tested DM780 with Ham Radio Deluxe and Skype and it worked 
> > receive mode very well. I connected to my home station via the
> > Internet, woke up my TS-2000, tuned to 14070 , launched DM780 in 
> > mode and was able to decode dignals very well. All this from my
> > neighbour's house, next step is my laptop and the local coffee 
> >
> > I am assuming the latency with Skype and digital modes can cause 
> > issues , but did not see any on receive only. Has anyone tried
> > transmitting PSK31 via remote access? I saw W1CDO doing it with 
> > mode last weekend but I am not sure if he was using HRD and Skype.
> >
> > If anyone wants to connect to my station, for receive only at this
> > time, feel free to contact me and I will set things up that will 
> > you access. You will need Skype and Ham Radio Deluxe , both FREE. 
> > 'll test transmit later today.
> >
> > Andy K3UK
> >
> > 
> >
> -- 
> Andy K3UK
> Skype Me :  callto://andyobrien73

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