On Thu, 19 Apr 2007 20:58:01 -0500
"w6ids" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Well, Bill, I'll thank you for that.  It answers a nagging question.
> I've seen instances where I've seen myself being called by a 
> number of stations over time periodically.....and I wasn't even
> keying the rig.  Can you explain what is happening - I DID have
> Deep Search ON as I recall.  Only recently did I switch it off.
> Howard W6IDS
> Richmond, IN

Hi Howard,

As far as I can see the deep search function uses the CALL3.TXT file
and the "MYCALL" value and tries to correlate the incoming signal with
every combination of these. The one with the highest correlation factor
is presented as its guess as to what the incoming signal is.

This is great for decoding weak signal way down in the noise - it's
always easier to hear something if you know what's been said in the
first place - but since most of the people active on HF aren't already
in the CALL3.TXT file you're more likely to get a false positive. This
explains seeing your own station being called when you've never
transmitted a picowatt of JT65A. Yours was the best correlation to the
incoming data. Turning off Deep Search prevents this action.

As others have mentioned overnight, a dedicated HF "CALL3.TXT" should
allow us to use this feature. All that needs to be done is for active
users to start with a blank CALL3.TXT file and add stations as they
are worked. That's what the "ADD" button does on the "To Radio" area.
Unfortunately it seems to require a full 6 figure Locator and unless
you know the operator, or exchange this information at the end of the
QSO I suppose you could stick in a standard "dummy" pair of letters
for the small sub-squares (what's the letters for the middle small
square - we could standardize on that?)for HF we don't really need the
minute accuracy of a 6-figure locator.

Once people have collated their own CALL3.TXT we could share them and
combine them to include all the unique callsigns from all the
individual files. A small bit of excel bashing?

I have found a few HF operators I've heard are actually in the existing
CALL3.TXT file - so they've been active on JT65 on V/UHF (poss EME
too?) for a while now, and HF is just another string to their bow.



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