
I am not a political scientist, but the description you use for the ARRL
(quasi-democratic organization) is in correct.  It is, I think, an indirect
democracy just as in the case of our republic, i.e., we don't vote
directly.  We elect representatives who vote on our behalf.

So...beefing here is not very effective.  You have to write to your
respective ARRL Director to make him or her aware of your concerns.


----Original Message Follows----
Reply-To: digitalradio@yahoogroups.com
To: digitalradio@yahoogroups.com
Subject: Re: [digitalradio] Re: ARRL Withdraws "Regulation by Bandwidth" 
Petition, Plans to Refile
Date: Fri, 27 Apr 2007 21:07:55 -0500

Danny is right on target on this. Loss of hard earned privileges is not
going to be well received, especially those of us who worked hard to
pass our exams, including 20 wpm at an FCC testing site. I am not very
pleased with the "gain" of voice on 80 meters, but the loss of a huge
segment of text data digital for myself and many other hams.

Very, very, few hams have the slightest interest in e-mail over ham
radio. The great majority do not even want it!

If the ARRL remains a quasi-democratic organization, it absolutely must
respond to the overwhelming preferences of its members. And it appears
that they have. And at least they have admitted that it is a
controversial issue.


Rick, KV9U

Danny Douglas wrote:
 > Why is a 200 cy bandwidth ridiculous?   I was greatly love to see that,
 > where we are using PSK.
 > Why do you want 500 cy on 3.5-3.535?   Thats CW country and that would 
 > draw other modes into where the CW DX is.  Likewise 40-30-20 and 17 
 > We dont need 500cy for cw do we?
 > And EXCUS ME?  Dropping the Extra only segments to 10 kc on 40 and 80?   
 > passed that test in order to get 25 KC.  You will have a heck of a sales 
 > on that one.
 > Bonnie, there are still many of us that arent interested one iota in
 > automatic modes, and probably the majority of those are the very ones
 > working down in that lower segment.  You will never sell ME on it.
 > This is exactly the reason the ARRL is drawing back on this to start 
 > Any change at all is going to make a LARGE segment of amateurs very 
 > I certainly see a reason for bandwidth management, but not at this cost.

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