--- In digitalradio@yahoogroups.com, "John Champa" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Wow!  N6CRR stated that very, very well...  Congrats!

Wowser right back. 

Guess I'm just one of those simple folks that call a spade a spade,
and point out the attempt to back door change the nature of amateur
radio into something it is not. I've read a few of the minutes of the
HSSM, and seems like no one was asking the question of "should the
amateur service even be moved in this direction". The HSSM, the league
and those that are pushing multimedia content, first mile email
connectivity, and other parts of the brave new future as they see it
might actually ask the community what they think of that future. 

The crap fest over the proposed rule making on bandwidth regulation
reflected a general unease with the ARRL, and those folks that think
they know what is best for the future of Amateur community, all
without asking. The league, and those that seek to drag the rest of us
Luddites into the next century fail to ask if we want to be drug there. 

Your comments down tread in regards to uses of Amateur radio to report
causality figures (hence the need for encryption)  presupposes that 
Amateur radio should be utilized for that sort of effort in the first
place and that appropriate state, local or federal services are not
available, while also trotting out the old/new turnip of this is a new
world post 9/11. Is Karl Rove advising you on this stradidegry? I
suppose as part of the Wantabe radio service that would be appropriate. 

Please keep your adult beverage, it might go well with the flavor aid
on this topic you seem to be swilling and dispensing, might cut the
flavor a bit. 

If you can manage to work around the ()*(&*(& Pactor III MBO's
stepping all over your live QSO, I can usually be found up on HF
working DominoEX, Olivia or Contestia. Love to carry on the
conversation on a live human to human basis, which is what I think
Amateur radio is at it's very core, not a first mile extension of the

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