Got it:

This is good news, though it was tried with
Lindows/Linspire and some other distro but
didn't last with either.

As I recall the marketing was meager and support

This could be a MS-Dell deal where they again
"try" Linux and again declare it unsuitable and/
or unwanted by consumers, or could be the real

Do we know if MS has a direct or indirect influence
with Dell and/or Ubuntu?

Sorry to sound paranoid but MS has a history of
playing rough.

> Sorry, the Big Finger syndrome strikes again.  There is no "F" between 
> consumer and affairs.  These people are saying that there is the 
> possibility of DELL using it as "their" OS.
> At 06:26 PM 5/6/2007, you wrote:
>> That link is broken, can you check it, please?
>> I am aware of Ubuntu but am using Puppy Linux
>> which I believe shares most features.


Thanks! & 73, doc, KD4E
Ham QTH:

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