I tried making a connect recently but did not hear anything back so 
assumed there was no propagation. I will try again later on tonight.

When I ran my tests with the "local" station on 160 meters, the mode did 
not perform well at all compared to other modes. If you look at Patrick, 
F6CTE's sensitivity of aroun d- 6 to -8 dB S/N, it is not as sensitive 
as modes such as DominoEX/FEC. But if it does work, and can get some of 
the signal through well enough to send data, at least the data will be 

I did upgrade to 4.3 on my other computer. Since I had to give up on 
Linux  due to not being able to find any solution to driving my 
widescreen monitor in native resolution, I went back to Windows XP and 
dedicated that machine for amateur radio. Very convenient.


Rick, KV9U

John Bradley wrote:
> Rick (KV9U) ...saw you on my screen on 7040.5....... if you have the 
> latest version (4.3) of multipsk,
> you can enter a messgae on the xux screen ARQ FAE, and with my call in 
> the addresse box, hit send
> and you should connect. I can retrieve the mail later.
> What's cool about this is gradually reducing power, while attempting 
> the same message.... gives you an idea of
> how robust the software is under low sig conditions..
> will be back there tonight 7040.5 USB , 141A
> John

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