I work 90% on CW now.  I like digital modes too.  JT65A is very good.
PSK31 is also good.  RTTY had been my dream in 1980s and now it's one of
my favorite DXing modes, thanks to the DSP technology embedded in

And I've seen many bad ops in all modes.  I think the license class or
requirements, however, have nothing to do with the operation quality of
the station/operator.  I see many JA so-called 1st class operators
violating the frequency allocation of 30m/17m/12m digital modes, just
for working a so-called rare DX.  Yes, I like DXing, but you can't make
an excuse if you are getting off-band.

I like and love CW, but I also know learning CW does not necessarily
mean that the person is also technically sufficiently competent to
handle the details of digital modes, SSB modulation control, antenna
construction and engineering, propagation theory and skills, or whatever
technical which an amateur radio operator can gain an advantage by
knowing it.  

It's all about each individual operator.

So stop blaming the others please.

// Kenji Rikitake, JJ1BDX(/3), JO3FUO and N6BDX

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