
I am using two transformers, 0ne 1:1 ratio, 600 ohms (RX), and another
10 kohms : 600 ohms (TX), plus a TIL111 optocoupler for PTT from COM 1 
(should say /dev/ttyS0...) using the RTS line to close the PTT contact 
thru the optocoupler's transistor. It has worked well with fldigi and  gmfsk

Maybe something more elaborate could be necesaary for other modes, but 
as the saying goes, there is nothong more permanent than a temporary 

My TX attenuator is the 10k:600 ohms transformer. (Scrounging pays off 
in the long run...)


Jose, CO2JA


Andrew O'Brien wrote:
> I'm interested in playing around with a few digital mode applications
> that require linux.  My digital modes interface, the Microkeyer,
> requires device drivers that will not work on linux.  I'm not sure I
> have the energy to build an interface, so I am wondering if there are
> any basic interfaces out there that will work easily with linux (for
> PTT, rig control, etc)?  I can use either serial ports or USB ports,
> but USB may be a bit more useful.  
> I can , I guess, PTT the TS-2000 already using a basic RS232 serial
> cable, but I am lacking digital signal from PC to the rig for
> transmit, and some isolation circuitry. Since this is for occasional
> use only, I'm not looking to buy a expensive interface.
> Andu K3UK


Participe en Universidad 2008.
11 al 15 de febrero del 2008.
Palacio de las Convenciones, Ciudad de la Habana, Cuba

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