Are there many PSKmail servers in the U.S. ?

I keep hoping for one practical ARQ mode that would be useful for HF 
emergency communications. In order for that to happen it must be 
something that most hams have access to and use on a regular basis. It 
seems that we have so many competing modes, even for HF e-mail, all of 
which have their advantages and disadvantages, but not the one mode that 
we need for emergency use here in the U.S. Needless to say, in order to 
be practical here it simply has to run on Windows, but ideally, it would 
be an open, cross platform mode.


Rick, KV9U

Per wrote:
> I have the server on 30 meters only at the moment. I am still trying
> to get a decent antenna at my new QTH and right now I'm testing a 30 
> meter dipole.
> When I get a better antenna I will start scanning again. PI4TUE was 
> always on 30
> meters only (scans two frequencies there). As for activity it varies, 
> sometimes there
> are only aprs position beacons and sometimes its just not quiet at all.
> I cant say anything about the US servers however.
> 73 de Per, sm0rwo

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