On 9/10/07, "John Becker, WØJAB" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> At 03:34 PM 9/10/2007, you wrote:
>  >Pskmail is slower than a 1k2 Bd TNC, but it takes a bandwidth of 125 Hz
>  >rather than 12 kHz.
>  12 Khz ? ? ? ? ?
>  So rather then getting a small block rejected you now have
>  a muck bigger one trashed. I fail to see why it is so much better.

John,  from my playing around (admittedly ...just a little"  PSK125
and PSK250  with ARQ work quite well.  Under very poor HF conditions
one could drop down to PSK31 with ARQ for brief messages but the speed
would be very slow.

PSK with ARQ does work .  I agree with Rick and John about Windows
being useful but I can say that it does not take a whole lot to get a
Linux boot disc to work, a lot less than getting my old TNC out and
booting up packet!

Andy K3UK
(QSL via N2RJ)

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