Hi Claudio,

Although there are software versions of Pactor 1 (the original FSK mode 
Pactor), they require using an Operating System that can control the 
port more directly, e.g., MS-DOS running only the one program. A friend 
of mine does this on an old computer and gets very good results that he 
claims is better than some hardware versions.

The PSK modes of Pactor (Pactor 2 and Pactor 3) have never been 
developed into sound card modes, because of the difficulty of exactly 
duplicating these commercial modes, and partly because they require 
fairly significant computing power and at the same time require fast 
switching times.

The only way to buy P2 and P3 is with the commercial hardware/firmware 
products from SCS in Germany and that is extremely expensive, even more 
expensive than the cost of some rigs. In the "old days," many of us used 
Amtor and Pactor 1 for casual chats and even DXing, but the sound card 
modes have made that obsolete. Amtor is almost never used anymore as it 
also requires even more stringent switching, and other limitations. 
Pactor is still used for some e-mail connections although that will 
probably lessen if an ARQ sound card mode is developed that would 
replace it.


Rick, KV9U

Claudio Ruben wrote:
> A rookie question: What program let use Pactor 3.
> Claudio-LU2VCD

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