Hello all,

I have been watching this thread with interest, as these modes have 
become my favorite. I am very interested in their promotion and 
increasing the use and awareness of Olivia (I'm club member #028), 
MFSK16/8, Feld-Hell (Club member #781), Domino, Throb and the more 
esoteric PSK variants like PSK63(F), 125 and 220(F).

On 40m I have found 7072.5 USB to be good for Olivia 500/16 or MFSK16.

7037.0 is supposed to be good for MFSK16 as well, but I haven't worked 
anyone there yet.

On 20m I try to stay on 14075.65/76.65/77.65 (dial freq) etc for Olivia 
500/16 (750hz center freq) or 14104.5/105.5/106.5/107.5/108.5 for Olivia 
1000/32 (1000hz center freq) (watch out for automatic stations between 
14101 and 14112)

MFSK16 or 8 should be able to be used anywhere RTTY is operated, only 
USB, so 20m 14078 - 14090 (+/-)

Here are some suggested Olivia 500/16 freqs (dial) (USB)

30m: 10133.65, 10138.5, 10141.0
40m: 7072.5, 7076.0
80m: 3577.0 (for 1000/32 also)

And don't forget all the activity on 6m!

As for setting up skeds and generally interacting with other operators, 
my favorite reflector is Andy's (K3UK) at 
<http://www.obriensweb.com/drsked/drsked.php>. Andy has done a great job 
of keeping it going and the more people that use it, the better it gets! 
Also, don't forget to post spots on the standard DX spot reflectors like 
DXScape <http://www.dxscape.com> or the HRD DX Cluster 
<http://www.ham-radio.ch/dxc/>. Seeing modes like Olivia and Domino 
appear on the list might get interested operators to slide down and take 
a listen.

BTW, every time I try to post a spot to the digital list on DXScape 
<http://www.dxscape.com/usdigi.html>, it appears on the regular list for 
that band, not the digital one. Anyone know the trick to get it to post 
to the digital list only? Oh well, either way, its positive exposure.

For some great info on suggested band freq breakdowns, take a look at 
<http://www.bandplans.com/index.php?band=All>. You can submit 
suggestions for additions/corrections to that one as well.

Also, IRT Olivia 500/16: This is the suggested (and most common) 
combination for calling CQ, but with the WPM rate around 19.5, it's slow 
going. Once a solid QSO is established, try switching to 500/8 (WPM 
29.3) or even 500/4 (WPM 39.1). You will be surprised at how much more 
lively the QSO is and fast your buffer is emptied at these rates! (A 
switch from 1000/32 to 1000/16 will give you a jump from 24.4 WPM to 
39.1 WPM)

I would like to hear anyone else's suggestions for modes/freq as I know 
I have only scratched the surface. What have you found to be the most 
active CQ or QSO freqs for a particular mode?

c u dn the waterfall (or in the case of FH, 'print you later'),

Glenn KD4ULB

Stan wrote:
> My interest is two way communications at micro power levels (100 
> milliwatt).   Therefore, I am interested in JT-65A and MT-63 as digital 
> modes I think have the ability to perform under long distance 
> propagation fading and Doppler shift.
> Bands of interest are 80, 40 and 30 meters.   
> Can anyone suggest frequencies, times, etc. that could possible be 
> fruitful in qso'es?
> Anyone want to set up possible schedules?
> Thanks, Stan AK0B  

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