Just in case you missed this recent development....

Several hams now have full time ALE stations that when they detect an
ALE station, they report the reception almost immediately to a web

Today, I began a ALE sounding  from 80 to 10M and within a couple of
minutes I had Internet confirmation that two stations heard me.  Both
stations told me what band and what my signal was.

Station that Heard me
                 Signal Report
WA3MEZ: [15:02:52][ FREQ 07 MHz] [SND][TWS    K3UK]          BER 30 SN 08
KM4BA:   [15:03:55] [FREQ 10 MHz][ SND][TWS]   [K3UK]         BER 28 SN 08

Very useful.   Check http://hflink.net/qso/

Andy K3UK

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