Hi Jim,

You really must be making a tongue in check joking reply here, that 
is the only way that I can take such a reply as the Amateur Radio 
bands have been broken down into specific use for decades and ever 
changing. I can NOT go down to 14.004Mhz and make a SSB contact as it 
is dedicated to CW as a prime example. On the other hand I can not go 
into the dedicate Phone and lessor Image sub bands and use MT63.

In my opinion, tor the Amateur Radio Service to continue it needs to 
constantly change and adapt to the times and the needs of those that 
the ARS serves and I see it, that does not mean the individual that 
just wants to Rag Chew or Chase Paper ( which I love to do by the 
way), but the larger picture overall and in this day and age that 
also means providing for higher speed digital communications at 
greater BW in support of traffic automation with multiple routing and 
embedded document support for HF e-mail. Creating a sub band for 
traffic automation which has basically always been done, but still 
allowed for peer-to-peer in the mix ( which as always a stupid 
approach) where the sub band is set aside such activity only, keeping 
it away from peer-to-peer and keep peer-to-peer away from it seems to 
be the best solution as then, the only interference to and from such 
activity would be from such activity, it really makes sense to me and 
hopefully it will make sense to those who regulate the Amateur Radio 
Service at the world level.

/s/ Steve, N2CKH

At 11:20 AM 9/18/2007, you wrote:
>   Once you set
>a precedent that amateur spectrum can be "assigned" to a specific use,
>you open the doors for everyone to claim their piece of the pie.  Just
>exactly how would you propose to deal with this?

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