I am sure, you have heard of the expression... 'give an inch take a 
Larry ve3fxq

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Andrew O'Brien" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "DIGITALRADIO" <digitalradio@yahoogroups.com>
Sent: Saturday, September 22, 2007 1:49 PM
Subject: [digitalradio] Here's some frequencies for unattended HF 

> I'm an odd ham in that I smile with amusement when amateur radio
> groups rush to "defend" frequencies and worry about some non-hams
> getting "our" frequencies.  I happen to think we have more than we
> need and can easily give some away.  With that in mind , here are some
> freqs for PACTOR and ALE stations to inhabit.  They can then do their
> unintended "thing" til their heart's content.
> 1808 to 1815
> 3577 to 3584
> The entire 60M band (a good band, and we don't need it for anything 
> else)
> 14.105 to 14.110
> 24.890 to 24 .925
> That's it, nothing else.
> The above frequency allocations would be sufficient for PACTOR BBS,
> automatic ALE soundings ,  ALE SMS messaging, and PSK MAil servers   .
> ALE, PACTOR and others could use other allocated digital sub-bands
> but not unattended.  No busy detection required (optional) in the"
> automatic zones" , mailbox operators would work out their voluntary
> QRV schedules via their "Frequency Coordination Council"  .  The above
> frequency ranges would give PLENTY of room for message traffic and
> emergency communication drills.
> Yes, no 40, 30, 17,15,10, freqs...simply not enough demand  and no
> real propagational needs.
> OK, now off to have lunch with the FCC chairman, see if can implement
> in the USA by next Friday.  Rest of the world, they'll just have to
> adjust :>)
> Andy k3UK

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