Hi All....read Andy's very good Bozo Guide to HF JT65 and followed his
instructions....was on 14076 and saw a JT65A signal (using
Fldigi)...loaded up WSJT and proceeded to Monitor...saw JA2BGH calling
CQ so decided to take the plunge and reply....made it first
shot..surprise...good contact both ways....now im bitten with the
JT65A bug.....
Have been on digital modes for about 6 years using PSK31 RTTY
etc....O/S is Kubuntu Linux on a AMD K8 machine with 512 ram...1.8ghz
for clock accuracy im using the ntp server of au.pool.ntp.org as
Dimension4 is only for Windows..clock seems to be accurate....
Rig is a TS-140S to a 2-30mhz Inverted V at 10m....

Tnx Andy K3UK for a very good job....need to add some comments for
Linux users....

Hope to see some of you on JT65A

David VK4BDJ

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