Allrighty, then! (climbing up on soapbox)


I guess I am getting a little tired of these arguments about operating
correctly. We all know the rules and most

of us try to follow them. Sure, we screw up once in a while but so what? We
learn for the next time.


What bothers me more is that the folks who make the most noise and offer the
most criticism of the modes

Are not those who are using them. As an example, Dave, AA6YQ, has written
numerous emails on digital radio

Subjects, and yet I, for one have yet to work him in any digital mode, and I
have been very active for the past

number of years. I have meticulously checked all my logs, and surprise! No


Everyone else is there, in fact many times over: Roger, Bonnie, Andy, Rick
,Jose, Txema and the list goes on,

With many that I have missed mentioning who are active in this group. Just
guessing, I would think that most folks have not come across Dave in their


Now that is not saying that Dave doesn't have valid arguments- some of them
are. I respectfully suggest, though

That you get on these modes, get active and "walk a mile in our moccasins"
to fully understand the nature of these modes.


Ok Dave I'll lend you the soapbox






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