I don't think "10% of each HF ham band" is at all 
reasonable.  Perhaps "10% of each data b
and segment" would be more reasonable.  Your suggestion for automatic 
sub bands would take an unreasonably large part of most data sub bands.
see my notes below in [brackets]]

Chuck  Mayfield - AA5J

But keep up working on it Bonnie... since
"Great works are performed, not by strength, but by perseverance."
~ Samuel Johnson

At 10:57 PM 10/16/2007, expeditionradio wrote:
A reasonable suggestion is that automatic sub bands be approximately
10% of each HF ham band. In other words, if an HF band is 350kHz wide,
then at least 35kHz of it should be available as an automatic sub band
for standard 3kHz bandwidth signals.
>Here are some suggested expanded frequency ranges
>for HF automatic band segments.
>1805-1815 Worldwide
>1990-2000 North America [20/200Khz = 10%]
>3560-3610 North America
>3590-3630 Worldwide         [70/100Khz = 70%]
>7100-7125kHz North America
>7100-7110kHz Worldwide (in the new international band)
>7035-7045kHz Worldwide  [35/125 = 28%
>10140-10150 Worldwide     [10/50 = 20%]
>14085-14125kHz Worldwide (n 14099.5-14100.5 IARU beacon 
>net)  [40/140 = 26.7%]
>18100-18109.5kHz Worldwide  [ 9.5/42 = 22.6%]
>21090-21135kHz Worldwide      [ 45/200 = 22.5%]
>24920-24929.5kHz Worldwide   [ 9.5/40 = 23.75%]
>28100-28199.5kHz Worldwide    [ 99.5/300 = 33.17%]

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