--- In digitalradio@yahoogroups.com, "Rud Merriam" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I have signed no NDAs for Windows development either professionally or
> personally.

That's great!
> I keep trying Linux but every time I do I run into some hassle that is
> off-putting.

What language are you programming in? Do you use an IDE? If you use
the autotools (automake, autoconf) for build configuration it might
take a bit of getting used to if you're mainly a windows developer but
once you use these, your code becomes very portable (you'll find that
many things will build on BSD, Solaris, even MacOS X without any
changes). But of course, lots of this depends on the devices your
program utilizes.

If you can't get a good, native working driver for a particular
devices under Linux, there are programs which allow you to use a DOS
driver under Linux. This isn't as good as being able to use a native
driver, but it is better than not having working code.

> After the holidays (and my wedding on the 29th <g>) I probably
> will get back to looking at Linux. The development I do for ham 
> radio I want
> to be portable. I want to at least have code compile cleanly on 
> Linux. 

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