Hello Craig,
For only packet try:


For multimode I know Mix and Multipsk does ax25 packet also.

Good luck and 73,

Bill N9DSJ

--- In digitalradio@yahoogroups.com, "Craig M" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> HELP!!!
> I got my 857D all hooked up and found a local freq that I can copy
> traffic. I can even connect to another node. Not that I know what to
> do after I connect.
> Maybe its me or maybe its just how it is but the only thing I can find
> to connect is a old version Hamscope and what seems to be a very flaky
> version of AGW to act as the TNC. This seems to be the newest of
> anything that I can find ...Most are pure DOS...
> Is there a better way?
> Thanks Craig KC0TPL

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