I have not tried VHF packet for many years, but there is some HF packet 
on occasion and I wanted to decode them out of curiosity. I do this with 
Multipsk/DXLab Commander rig control.  That seems the easiest and best 
way to have the most digital modes available in one program and once you 
connect up a multimode/multiband rig like an 857 series, it should work 

After considerable experimenting with using variants of Linux OS, I 
still find that my best ham program success comes using MS Windows since 
most of the top ham software runs only on Windows OS. After adding a 
Vista machine, I have found that the increased security and user 
experience, better readability of fonts, etc.,  has been far better than 
I expected. In fact, that machine is now my primary computer for most of 
my practical work even though I have a KVM switched computer next to it 
that runs XP for most ham use, although if needed, I could switch to 


Rick, KV9U

Darrel Smith wrote:
> Craig,
> I am using Outpost Packet Manager <http://www.outpostpm.org/> with AGW 
> for all my packet and winlink messaging. I don't know anything about 
> windoze OS but using Outpost with wine is very sloooow. Everything is 
> automated so all you have to do is set it up and push the send/receive 
> button.
> Darrel
> On 24-Dec-07, at 1:02 PM, Craig M wrote:
>> HELP!!!
>> I got my 857D all hooked up and found a local freq that I can copy
>> traffic. I can even connect to another node. Not that I know what to
>> do after I connect.
>> Maybe its me or maybe its just how it is but he only thing I can find
>> to connect is a old version Hamscope and what seems to be a very flaky
>> version of AGW to act as the TNC. This seems to be the newest of
>> anything that I can find ...Most are pure DOS...
>> Is there a better way?
>> Thanks Craig KC0TPL
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