
> I've read where the thinking is that most hams won't bother with the
> PACTOR I if only because of little desire to buy an "expensive" outboard
> TNC.  What about the hams who never threw away their original TNC,
> the one sitting in the closet per se?

I've often wondered the same thing.  I got on Amtor back in the Commodore 64 
days and later into Pactor with my first PC.   I got rid of my PK-232MBX but 
still have my HAL  DXP-38 that I turn on every day.   There are still a 
handful of us Clover diehards on 20 meters, 14.065.50 LSB, and sometimes we 
will switch to either Amtor or Pactor just for fun.   I think most owners of 
HAL gear were contesters and never got into the linked modes for a good 
ragchew.   I agree about most hams not wanted to purchase a TNC for the 
linked modes.  If my DXP-38 dies, I'd buy another one the next day!
I tune around each day but so far no Pactor or Amtor CQs to be heard; maybe 
I'm listening at the wrong times.   I still think the linked modes are more 
fun, especially Clover.

73 Buddy WB4M

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