Jack, I think I answered most of that just now, to another station.
As long as you are setting there, and have checked that the freq is clear,
fire away.  If then you get someone coming in and connecting, you have
already checked the frequency, so go ahead with your contact.  But, if he
hears you, transmits and then finds HE is causing interference, he should
immediatly advise you, and quit tranmitting at his end.  Just like SSB, I
ask if its clear, and no one comes back, I transmit a CQ.  Sonmeone answers,
but he immediately is told the freq is busy. He quickly comes back and tell
you and the two of you then slip to another freq, where both ask if its
clear, and if so, have your contact.

Bye the way, if both of you had "busy signal" capability, his would have
immediately told him he couldnt transmit-- but I would hope he would have
heard it on the earphones before that, or seen it on a waterfall, or
something.  Surely all stations do check the freq before transmitting,
keyboard to keyboard?  He could then simply bypass the busy signal detect,
and quickly advise you to QSY to xxxxxxxx for a QSO.

No not asking for perfection, just an attempt to get as close as possible.

I know - easier said than done - but that takes place hundreds of times a
day on CW or SSB, and is doable.
Danny Douglas
All 2 years or more (except Novice)
Pls QSL direct, buro, or LOTW preferred,
I Do not use, but as a courtesy do upload to eQSL for
those who do.

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