I am looking for any stations that can test high speed digital modes 
today. I should be able to properly key up both the RFSM2400 single tone 
modem, and either EasyPal or WinDRM OFDM multitone modems. It appears 
that EasyPal has more built-in features to automate sending images.

Since I have not received word back from the FCC as to what constitutes 
"image or FAX" transmissions, the best way would be to take a small (10 
to 20 Kbyte) picture and measure the time sent and vary power levels to 
compare the ability to handle weak signals.

If RFSM2400 is full ARQ, then it would be a clear winner if it can work 
a little bit below the noise, but scale up for better conditions.

Also, the multitione OFDM modems (EasyPal and WinDRM) could be used to 
send large amounts of text if operated in the text portions of the bands.


Rick, KV9U

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