From what I have been able to tell, the group is no longer active and 
the owner/moderator is no longer accepting new members. If you attempt 
to sign up, nothing happens until a few weeks go by and you are notified 
that no action was taken. If you are a member of the group, you may be 
able to contact the owner and ask what the current status is. Maybe he 
would be willing to make you an owner or at least moderator?


Rick, KV9U

Howard Brown wrote:
> Yes, linuxham is pretty active but seems to be dedicated to supporting 
> the W1HKJ software.  Excellent software but the site is not intended 
> to be for all Linux ham software discussions.  Jose was talking about 
> the linuxhams  (plural) group that has become inactive.  If you are a 
> Linux ham, join linuxhams and we will wake it up.

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