OS/2 lives still, with no help at all from IBM (which, even if it wanted 
to open-source OS/2, is alleged to have lost the source code of crucial 
parts of the operating system) but with much help from dedicated 
programmers in Russia, Eastern Europe and other countries:


I have it running on two AMD dual-core machines (OS/2 supported 64 CPUs 
from way back) with on-board Gigabit networking and sound.


Alan NV8A

On 03/30/08 12:38 pm Howard Brown wrote:

> I read the article.  Nonetheless, the first NT release was originally
> intended to be 'the next' OS/2 release.  Believe it or not, IBM and
> MS were in a partnership at that time.
> When MS went off on their own, IBM took over OS/2 from them.
> I have an interesting video clip of Bill Gates saying "OS/2, the 
> operating system of the future.
> I lived through that experience.  Now I use Linux.

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