Hello Peter:
Hurray !!!!  someone that knows what they are talking about.. I agree 100%  ,,, 
Vista was doomed from the start ( I wondered if it wasn't planed from the 
start??).. System 7  should be good if MS hold true to form ( but then I've 
been wrong b4)

Garrett / AA0OI

----- Original Message ----
From: Peter G. Viscarola <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: digitalradio@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Saturday, March 29, 2008 4:13:24 PM
Subject: RE: [digitalradio] Vista

>Most all of the people that
>write all this neg about Vista have no idea about what they are
>talking about. 


>Vista is a good program and is superior to XP. 

Sorry, I disagree.

I'm a kernel-mode programmer. I do Windows operating-system level work
for a living.

For a lot of reasons, Vista was ill-fated from the start. From the
decision to write the shell using managed code (reversed), to the
creation of an entirely new installation procedure (that precludes
anything resembling a "normal" upgrade), to the requirement that x64
drivers be signed, to the inclusion of UAC (even in its final, "toned
down" version), to the fact that it shipped based on the date and not
because the bugs were out of it... Vista is a problem.

It is NOT true that ever OS release is alike. Windows 2000 was a very
destabilizing release, and (much like Vista) had a LOT of problems when
it was released. Many users (and companies) simply skipped Windows 2000
in favor of staying with NT V4, which was MUCH more stable.

On the other hand, Windows XP was a *very good* operating system at the
time it was released (I installed it on my personal machine as soon as
it went "gold"... something I would NEVER consider doing unless the OS
provided significant advantages). Windows Server 2003 SP1 (and later)
is a *very* good operating system (which I, again, installed as soon as
it was released).

I seriously suspect that Vista will be one of those releases that many
companies (and many users) just skip over. I wouldn't run it on my
personal machines and don't recommend others run it.

I'm gonna stick with XP wait to see how Windows 7 turns out.

de Peter K1PGV


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