David WD4KPD,

I guess the "bring it on" means you want a response. I noticed reading
many of your replies that you leave these types of remarks below your
name/call when you reply to message posts to get a point across for
what ever reason so I can only assume by what you have listed before
on other posts you want me to respond or as you say "bring it on".  

I for one want to let you know that I did NOT provoke a response like
you have given me but my post was in good and positive spirit of Ham
Radio.  I also did NOT post the 30 Meter Digital QRP Weekend to be
belittled by you or anyone else…you have voiced your opinion and I
can't change that nor will I try but by you voicing it publicly you
are trying to sway others in your views…they will have to decide what
is right and wrong or what they agree or disagree with according to
facts…so far the facts are not on the Internet but by listening to the
great bunch of digital ops on the 30 Meter band that have no
intentions of contesting on the 30 Meter band.   

If you don't mind David I will answer your post publicly since you
were so fast at responding to my message post that again didn't
warrant such a reply you have given it but then again you have your
own opinions so that is a right no one can take away and many have
died for you to have that right here in the good old USA. 

"for all intents and purposes, this non-contest is still a
contest"…..Right from the start your reply message changes my message
post from a 30 Meter Digital QRP Weekend to ANOTHER NON-CONTEST ON A
NO CONTEST BAND is of a mean spirited nature and negative and I'm not
sure why that is but that is your call (many times I just use my
delete key if not intersted)....for those of you that do decide to
work the 30 Meter Digital QRP Weekend on April 19/20 you are going to
be very disappointed if you are looking for a contest.  All you are
going to find is a bunch of really nice digital ops making casual
contacts, experimenting with low power, long ragchews and DX if the
band allows....you will NOT find is any rules on about a contest
because there is no contest…no rules for exchange…no time limits…..no
points….no logs are requested to be sent in for any contest prize for
the weekend because there are none ….the only winners are those that
participate and have fun.   

"there is a sponsor"….a sponsor is one that spends money maybe on a
contest or something and I guess would give out prizes for those
winners and might gain something from all this.  Again we might be
putting the word out to give 30 Meters a try and we do hope for more
Hams to participate on the 30 Meter band so that is true (could care
less if they join the 30MDG because our main focus or goal is to have
an increase awareness and usage of digital modes on 30 Meters…if they
join in 30MDG so be it but not our goal)…..having fun on Ham Radio is
FREE and we don't spend any money on FREE fun…again there is no winner
for the most contacts or having the most points on the QRP Weekend
because again David there are no points, contest like exchanges or
contact limits and good luck on having fast contacts because there is
a nice bunch of long winded ragchew digital operators on the 30 Meter
band so you will have a hard time getting to that next contact very
quickly even if you wanted to.

"and bragging rights are earned by contesters in the organization"….oh
really?  I think bragging about how far a QRP signal may go or who
hears your low power signal and maybe how many contacts you make using
low power and to what areas of the World those contacts are made is
what we do all the time, right?  You David post your MEPT reports and
I don't think that is contesting on 30 Meters yet it is bragging of
sorts and very informative (thanks for doing that by the way).   BTW,
we are NOT an organization but a group of average `Joe" digital
operators just having fun on the 30 Meter band.   I agree though there
are some contesters in our group and some darn good ones, I understand
you don't like contesting and that is fine and you have that right to
not like it as I'm not much on contesting myself…but even though there
are contesters in our group doesn't mean they are contesting on the 30
Meter band in fact just the opposite as I think from reading the mail
on many of them since 30 Meters is a WARC band and a NO CONTEST band
they seems to like this place to come to and ragchew and get to know
other Hams vs when on the other bands getting hammered by folks just
needing a fast contact and 599 report to get them in the log and
sometimes QRM'd to the degree they couldn't carry on a good ragchew if
they wanted to.

"it may be legal" ….yes it is legal to use the 30 Meter Band (we are
secondary users…should give way to gov/com'l transmitions…also be kind
to our neighbors in QSO with the modes we use..and follow the rules or
our license), unless you are now in charge of the rule making David
and we no longer can use the 30 Meter band or promote the use of the
30 Meter band….I for one will be using the 30 Meter band.

"but still in poor taste"…really?  What would you suggest David to
promote the 30 Meter band?  I'm all ears and you can list all your
ideas here or email me direct if you wish.   

What I think is in poor taste is some of your replies to others here
and your negativity so although you have the right to have your own
opinions just don't be surprised if not everyone agrees with you yet
the silent majority sit back and read all this but never reply because
they already know how silly it all is yet the `squeaky wheel gets the
oil'…although many of your posts are very informative and again I
respect you but that is a two way street my friend. 

So you have said your peace and although I don't agree with you you
have the right to your views…I just don't agree with you but can still
respect you (I think).

I don't expect you to join in on the 30 Meter Digital QRP Weekend as
you have made your views public and known (although if you listen in
you are going to be very disappointed if you are a contester or
expecting a contest on 30 Meters because there isn't one) and I don't
really want to change your mind on your opinions as you have that
right but as far as your `poor taste' and `bring it on' with in your
reply to my simple posting of a 30 Meter event that I thought others
that are digital operators might be interested in (this is a digital
group right?) I would expect nothing less than an apology to me not
for your opinions because again you have that right to disagree with
anything you like or that you disagree that it is a contest (which it
isn't but again you have the right to your views) but an apology for
your `poor taste' in a response that only would provoke a `bring it
on' response back to you.

BTW, I have read some of your posts and never replied but could have…I
don't agree with you starting a message post as "SCREW" this or
that….or "intentional QRM"…yet I sit and read but I feel many times
things are better left unsaid (wish this was one of them but again you
asked) and let others be the judge and jury and just try to enjoy what
time I have in this great hobby we have.

I will be promoting the use of the digital modes on the 30 Meter Band
and at most post a message post here once a month at the very most to
let other digital operators know of these 30 Meter events…that is of
course unless this really isn't a Ham Radio Digital Yahoo Group or
Andy thinks otherwise...ask anyone that knows me or google me, I'm a
straight shooter and call it the way I see it if asked…you asked so
thanks for letting me respond.

De kb9umt Don 


intentional QRM

for all intents and purposes, when "Winlink" transmits
into the blind on a shared channel, that is intentional QRM. so by
doing so, they are advocating QRMing others just as i suggested.

i agree that my language was a bit overboard, and apparently in poor
Spirit, but please don't point me out as the sole abuser.

i promise Andy, this will be my last on this issue.




"Live with it, and get used to it"
then QRM it.


Re: [digitalradio] screw WINLINK

Just a friendly reminder that a rule of this group is that we adhere
to normal operational rules and not advocate deliberate interference.
Andy K3UK

On 3/9/07, David Michael Gaytko // WD4KPD <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

    "Live with it, and get used to it"
    then QRM it.




since CW is ok anywhere in the band, perhaps all the cw ops might
abandon the (gonna be crowded for sure) special cw area down low
and simply stake out an area in the lower ssb area.
this would give the digi folks a bit more room free from qrm. not
to knock cw, but enough cw operations would drive any ssb away.


anarchy and chaos always win !

--- In digitalradio@yahoogroups.com, David Michael Gaytko // WD4KPD
> 30 Meter QRP Weekend April 19th & 20th
> 10.140        +/- 1000 PSK
> (10.135 – 10.145 – HELL,OLIVIA,RTTY,Etc)
> for all intents and purposes, this non-contest is still a contest.
> there is a sponsor, and bragging rights are earned by the contesters
> in the organization.
> it may be legal, but still in poor taste.
> david/wd4kpd
> "bring it on"

--- In digitalradio@yahoogroups.com, David Michael Gaytko // WD4KPD
> 30 Meter QRP Weekend April 19th & 20th
> 10.140        +/- 1000 PSK
> (10.135 – 10.145 – HELL,OLIVIA,RTTY,Etc)
> for all intents and purposes, this non-contest is still a contest.
> there is a sponsor, and bragging rights are earned by the contesters
> in the organization.
> it may be legal, but still in poor taste.
> david/wd4kpd
> "bring it on"

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