
Thanks for the link and I'm very aware of it...I have done my
homework.   I think that it is neat and very cool....good propagation
and experimenting...but what is it telling me?  That the band is open?
 And are all these station in QSO?  Is it a QSO mode?  (no need to
reply on that)

Did this start happening and all these stations were participating
back in 2006?  or 2007? When did all this activity on 30 Meters start
increasing?  I remember PropNet maps/data back in 2006 and 2007 and
also how the digital part of the 30 meter band was used (or not
used) yes GREAT that they are on the 30 meter band pinging the
atmosphere if you will.

I again think it is neat and use it often use and read the posts on it
all...for me I would just rather be on the band in QSO and I have used
QRP or QRPP on 30 Meters many times and always amazed.  Thanks for the

de kb9umt Don  

--- In, "lweaver" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Don, if you believe that 30 meters needs to be promoted because of lack 
> of activity please check out this :
> This is a 24 hour around the world activity in spite of the fact that 
> Propnet moved within 300Hz of it. Most stations run 1 watt or less.
> Larry

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