--- In digitalradio@yahoogroups.com, Rick <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I did not realize that there were very many hams who would never send a 
> CQ. They definitely fall into the very odd category. I recall an
> in one of the ham magazines a few years (probably was actually decades 
> ago), where the ham would park his rig on just about any quiet
> in a band that was open and wait and typically, sooner or later ...  
> usually sooner ... someone would call CQ within his passband.

I think the majority of hams fall into one of 2 categories

1. Never call CQ
2. Call CQ seldom and then only once or twice and quickly

If anyone reading this post feels they adhere to the above OR even if
you don't - consider that most digital software has the facility to
run AUTO CQ's (of course you should always monitor it when doing this).

Since last October I have used this facility in DM780 on the Olivia
modes AND also listened a lot on 30 meters. During this time period on
30 meters I have had 5 QSO's result from hearing OTHER Olivia hams
calling CQ. In the same time period on 30 meters I have had 54 Olivia
QSO's result from calling CQ's.

Most of the 54 QSO's were NOT generated by a single quick CQ. I have
left the AUTO-CQ go for sometimes 30 minutes or more (CQ macro every 1
minute) while I do other work in the radio room.

This type of use of AUTO-CQ may not be appropriate for crowded bands
or popular modes - and may not be all that warranted when at or near
sunspot peaks but other than that it is preferable to just listening
all the time. 

What was that old adage about the squeaky wheel gets the grease?

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