Hi Andy,

Sorry about your pinched nerve, but all the (exotic) modes are great. 
Perhaps there is a natural selection of well known modes as a common 
starting point. Perhaps over time modes that are extremely robust under 
different conditions

I've used both MixW and MultiPSK but still takes time to figure out a 
mode sometimes.  I have noticed that will in a QSO with some odd mode I 
will see others calling CQ in what looks to be the same mode on one side 
or the other of the QSO.  Or that when finishing a QSO, one of us will 
get a call in that mode.  But perhaps not everyone uses a program with 
as many mode options thus is unable to answer.

The club I am in, the Vienna Wireless Society of Vienna VA runs a 
digital net. We cycled through all the modes we could find to get one we 
could all use and works for both near and far on 80m.  And were thinking 
to start that cycle over again with the newly minted modes.

Anyway, wanted to chime in that with the anarchy of ham radio seems not 
possible to try to reduce the number of modes in use.

73, Tom n4zpt

Andrew O'Brien wrote:
> Maybe it is because I am getting irritated because of the pinched
> nerve in my neck, I'm thinking maybe I have just had enough of the
> plethora of digital modes.  Yes, it is K3UK saying that...the bloke
> that is always trying varying modes.
> I tried calling CQ numerous times in the TARA Skirming using various
> "exotic" modes, but ZERO respondents.  No one answered Olivia CQ's, no
> one answered DominoEX CQ's, no Hell, and even no MFSK16 !
> The only three modes that produced a response were PSK31, PSK63 and RTTY.
> Several months ago, I saw Dave AA6YQ make some comment about Winwabler
> not adding additional modes because (paraphrasing) RTTY and PSK31/63
> are effective and the others too under utilized to warrant inclusion.
> While I have really enjoyed many experimental modes and had  lots of
> fun testing, I think if I added up the time I have spent endlessly
> trawling the digital bands without results, I could have built a few
> more antennae, or added a few thousand more QSO via other modes. 
> Heck, my CW could be even more practiced.
> So, for the next few months I am going to detox,  and consolidate
> around the following modes.
> PSK31/63 (125/250 on VHF/UHF)
> MEPT-WSPR (passive operations)
> Narrow SSTV/Digital SSTV
> HF JT65A
> ALE 400
> Time to put MFSK16,Hell, standard ALE, Olivia , Contestia, RTTYM,
> DominoEX , etc, in to the virtual junk-box.  They can join their
> counsins from the non-virtual world...Betamax ,8 track tapes, and
> cassettes.  All good applications, but no one uses 'em anymore.
> Andy K3UK
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