Yes, Gary,

Most of the digital software is freeware.

Then only ones I can think of that cost money are the ones from Russia:

RFSM8000 that uses the MIL-STD 188-110A single tone modem (though not 
legal here in the U.S. on the HF RTTY/Data portions). May be OK for 
pictures and fax in the phone/image portions and of course on 6 meters 
and up. The earlier RFSM2400 program is freeware. Both have full ARQ, 
but signals must be of fairly good strength.

MixW - digital multimode program, but not as many modes as some others.

I may have missed some others that cost money, but my recommendations, 
and all are freeware and readily available for download:

Multipsk - which does the most modes of any available digital multimode 
program. Rig control can be done by using the DXLab Commander or key it 
with COM PTT keying.  Easy to interface to the DXLab suite of programs. 
This is also the only program available that can do wide band MIL-STD 
188-141A ALE (8FSK125) as well as the newer and more ham friendly FAE 
400 mode (8FSK50) with full ARQ!

EasyPal for one of the more current DRM image and file transmission. Has 
after the fact "ARQ" by repairing bad blocks of data so you don't have 
to resend the entire file. Used by SSTV digital hams for one to many 
sharing of file. Multi tone, so legal on RTTY/Data areas for text data 
but does require good signals.

Ham Radio Deluxe - ultra high end very polished rig control control 
program and now with the more recent Digital Master 780. Not as many 
digital modes as Multipsk, but most of the common ones (except no FAE 400).

There are other programs such as VBDigi (MS Windows) and flDigi (Linux) 
which have a smaller set of modes but are simpler to use and work well. 
Both are written by the same author and integrate with the flarq ARQ 
program to comprise the NBEMS (Narrow Band Emergency Message System).

There are many other specialized programs but they support specific 
modes or hardware. Examples are JNOS2, AirMail2000, etc.


Rick, KV9U

tailfeathers wrote:
> PSK software is simple to use and free everywhere...Is the same software 
> available free for these other modes?
> Gary
> n8gsj

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