Dave, enjoy your software and respect that effort very much. Really 
surprised to find your comments that continue the mis-direction from the 
original email.

It is obvious in my original message that no twists or personal comments 
were directed at anyone, that there is no intent to counter new ideas, or 
that there were limits to directions anyone could take with software. It is 
obvious that the intent of my email was to not forget we can use what we 
have, use it as circumstances and time allow, and it was clear that there 
are issues that will remain with us for some time to come. There were no 
efforts to cover all contingencies, represent all modes of training, fit in 
with all view points or provide the right or wrong way of things should or 
shouldnt be done. These are short emails that dont have to be manuals that 
measure up to peer reviewing hobbyists that cant get off their obsessive 
critique compulsions.

It is clear that some responses were done in a personal way, went out side 
the topic intent, and have distracted the thread into a direction no one 
enjoys and is counter productive. Which seems to be a trend some do with 
regularity. It isnt always what is said or done that is important, but how 
it is said or done that can make a difference in how folks are motivated or 
feel encouraged to participate.

To keep putting others on the defensive seems to be a rather awkward way to 
garner support for ones view points.... and my email was not about point of 
views. It was about using what we have, that there are a lot of options, and 
there are bandwidth and time issues. No modes were selected, be it digital, 
analog, voice, cw, satellite, cable, internet, landline, laser, etc etc etc 
etc  ...

There was intentionally room to go in any direction one wants to use what 
currently exists, but it is obvious that one needs to be prepared to use 
what is here today, as best possible with the inherent limitations.

My response here is not just a defensive reaction to criticism. It is a 
response to try and prevent others from mis-representing the intent of my 
original email. Silence sometimes is used to avoid contenuation of being a 
target, and I was tempted to do that (and now will), but I had  to make it 
clear that I by no means approve of the habitual twisted spins some throw 
out in their verbal spars that do nothing to the betterment of others or the 

My apologies to others. Moderators, please feel free to block this thread 
from further negative progression.

Regards, WD8ARZ ..........

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