Can anyone tell me just how much (or little) sound card calibration 
affects PSK and RTTY reception? Here's my reason for asking:

When I got my current sound card, the first thing I did was to run 
the various calibration routines from MMTTY, DM780, and MultiPSK. 
These calibration routines showed the card was off by 181 parts-per-
million. I set up the various software accordingly and all was well.

I just started noticing reception problems, primarily on RTTY and ran 
another set of calibrations. This time, results showed the card off 
by 6984 parts-per-million.

The size of the error doesn't worry me too much, as it is still under 
1%, and I can only "assume" (hope?) that the calibration changed as 
the card "burned in". Going to monitor it closely to see if it 
changes any more over time.

Could this much of an error cause trouble decoding RTTY signals if 
not compensated for in the software? Even with a strong signal I was 
losing quite a bit of text, although PSK decoding seemed to be 
totally unaffected.

Thanks in advance

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