I agree about your ASCII comment but as far as RTTY goes, just
about anyone can copy it with machine (as I still do) or by computer.
Did you ever notice that the ARRL bulletins still to this day put a 
CR/LF at the end of a 70 letter line. Still a lot of machines out
there still working after all these years.

Gee it would be so nice if the software writers would do the same.

John, W0JAB

At 08:35 PM 10/1/2008, Rick, KV9U wrote in part:

>They don't seem to want to even hear any suggestions to modernize and 
>move to some modes that will actually work exceedingly well compared to 
>the current modes. They should be moving to new modes as they become 
>available and drop the less effective ones. Quite frankly, it makes the 
>ARRL leadership appear to be out of touch with technology and what hams 
>are actually doing.
>Rick, KV9U

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