Hi Dave WB2FTX,
Does a station in the NTS Digital net
operate 24/7 on all HF bands simultaneously?

Does a typical station in the NTS Digital net use 
8 transceivers to achieve simultaneous operation 
on the 8 HF bands 

Or, does each NTS Digital station scan every HF band? 

What type of software/hardware does a typical 
NTS Digital station use to achieve allband 24/7 HF operation?

I'm very curious about it, because none of the 
publicly available information by NTS indicates 
that any station in the net is running 24/7 allband HF.
Dave, I see you are cross-posting your message 
with CC to many of groups and individuals :) 
I am replying to you on the digitalradio group, 
but, feel free to cross-post your answer to these 

Bonnie VR2/KQ6XA

Dave WB2FTX wrote: 
> NTS Digital operates 24/7 on 80, 40, 30, 20, 17, and 
> 15 meters... There are mutiple stations that do this,
> again primarily dedicated to NTS traffic... Some of 
> the delivery points are made through packet links,  
> 73 Dave WB2FTX 

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