So far the only one I have copied has been Rick. 
But I can't connect. Think it's the audio level setting
as John, VE5MU pointed.

Going to play with this some more today.

John, W0JAB

At 08:50 PM 2/9/2009, you wrote:
>I think we may be finding out why this mode never became popular. It 
>just does not seem to work compared with other modes. John, W0JAB and I 
>were able to easily make a PSK31 contact but nothing with Q15. At first 
>I thought we had it figured out why I could not connect with VE5MU as I 
>had incorrectly use V35MU, but after changing it and trying numerous 
>times this afternoon and now evening, it just does not connect.
>Unless I am doing something wrong, it does not look good in terms of a 
>practical mode, even with fairly good conditions.
>Rick, KV9U

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