Hi Daniel, welcome neighbour... I am just about 40 miles from you,

If you are planning just to do the VHF band, you are kinda limited . 
There is not a whole of digital mode activity on VHF other than packet
radio, mostly APRS.  There are a few people that try digital modes
like PSK on 2 meters SSB but openings are few and  far between. There
are also some people that use JT6M and FSK440 on 2m for meteor scatter
, but high gain 2 meter antennas are the norm for meteor work.  Your
handheld is likely FM mode only, most people use SSB for RTTY, PSK31,
and more.

APRS and packet via your handheld is quite feasible , Southern Ontario
has a lot of activity.  A simple vertical for 2 meters on youe patio
would work quite well.

If you try six meters, there is more activity mostly PSK31 but again
you are subject to days at a time where the band may not open beyond
your local region.

If you are able to get HF privelges, you can do lot.  If your patio is
small, you could build a low profile vertical that could work on 10
meters of 15 meters.  As these bands open up more in the next year or
so, you can work many digital modes and work around the world.

If you have a few hundred dollars in you budget, I suggest you work
towards the HF privileges and put most of the money in to a used HF
rig.  You may be able to get something for US$300 and certainly for
US$400.  A Kenwood TS440 or Icom 735 may be something to look around
for.  You can build a basic antenna for your patio for $25.00

The general requirements to get on the digital modes are...

radio with SSB, one that is stable and has digital readout.
A PC with a soundcard.
Simple cables to connect your PC to the radio
An "interface" that enables software control of your rig and reduces
ground loops.  
The cables and interface can usually be purchased for $40 or so, some
people build their own for $10-15

Stick with your goals, we can help you here.  Ask any questions

73 Andy K3UK

--- In digitalradio@yahoogroups.com, "Daniel Boese"
<datapacrat+ya...@...> wrote:
> Hello, all (or CQ, if you prefer);
> I'm still fairly inexperienced at the whole amateur radio thing - so
> far, I have my basic license and a VHF handheld. I'd like to start
> exploring digital modes, and am hoping that you might be able to
> suggest what sort of rig would work well for that.
> I do have two limitations, though; I live in what's effectively a
> ground-floor apartment, and am thus limited in what sort of antenna I
> can put on my patio; and have a somewhat limited budget - call it
> US$500 at the outside, and preferably less, if possible. Given that,
> does it seem feasible to start getting involved in this aspect of ham,
> or should I focus my attention elsewhere?
> Thank you for your time,
> --
> Daniel Boese         VA3BOS, FN03ie
> "I believe that it is better to tell the truth than to lie. I believe
> that it is better to be free than to be a slave. And I believe that it
> is better to know than be ignorant." - H. L. Mencken

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