--- In digitalradio@yahoogroups.com, "Andrew O'Brien" <k3uka...@...>

> I assume that many people know already, but just in case there are
> some that do not, WINMOR will not be a digital mode that your can use
> for keyboard "chats" or QSOs, it is intended to allow you to connect
> to a HF Radio Message Server and unload your email formatted messages
> .

The part of this I know, but don't completely understand, is -
there is going to be some kind of modem, and some kind of codec,
and some kind of ARQ protocol on top of that, and then the
application that sends and receives messages as part of Winlink
or Paclink or whatever.  Is there something unique about the
modem that makes it better than some of the others we are now
using for keyboard chats as well as for the Winlink application?
Same for the codec?

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